Home Trung Học Phổ ThôngLớp 10 ĐỀ KIỂM TRA 1 TIẾT TIẾNG ANH 10 (có đáp án)

ĐỀ KIỂM TRA 1 TIẾT TIẾNG ANH 10 (có đáp án)

by admin


Thời gian: 45 phút

PART I: Listening

Exercise 1: These people are calling friends about the weekend. Are these statements true (T) or false (F)? Listen and give the correct answers.
1. Penny agrees to go to a movie with Bob.
2. Anne can’t come to the party.
3. Ken invites Nancy to a movie.
4. Wendy can’t go to Jack’s house.
Exercise 2: Listen again. Circle the correct answer for each question.
5. When does Bob want to go to the movies?
A. on the weekend
B. on Friday morning
C. on Friday night
D. on Sunday evening
6. When is the party?
A. on Saturday night
B. the weekend after next
C. on Sunday night
D. on Monday night
7. When does Ken want to go out with Nancy?
A. on Friday morning
B. on Friday night
C. on the weekend
D. on Saturday night
8. When is the game?
A. on Sunday night
B. on Sunday afternoon
C. on Saturday afternoon
D. tonight

PART II: Phonetics

Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others in each group. Circle A, B, C or D.
9. A. tree           B. talks            C. treat               D. true
10. A. best         B. contest        C. honest            D. chest
11. A. educate    B. date             C. rate               D. lake
12. A. indent       B. moment       C. different         D. talent

PART III: Grammar and vocabulary

Exercise 1: Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences by cycling the corresponding letter A, B, C or D. 
13. She often ………………. in the early morning.
A. go                          B. went                    C. goes                          D. going
14. …………….. is a person who manages the home and often raises children instead of earning money from a job.
A. Homemaker            B. Worker                C. Breadwinner                D. Wife
15. This classroom ………………….. by the students everyday.
A. clean                      B. is cleaned            C. cleaning                      D. cleans
16. Tom: I am very hungry now!
John: OK. I …………………….. you some cakes.
A. am going to bring    B. going                   C. bring                            D. will bring
17. I have already decided. I ……………………….. a new house.
A. will buy                   B. is going to buy       C. to buy                         D. bought
18. I always enjoy listening to music, …………… I don’t like pop music.
A. but                         B. so                         C. and                              D. or
19. Sad movies always make her ………………………….
A. to cry                     B. crying                     C. cry                              D. cries
20. The teacher asked the students ……………… their exercises at home.
A. finishes                   B. finishing                   C. finish                        D. to finish

Exercise 2: Complete the sentences, using the right form of the verbs in brackets.
21. Please don’t make so much noise. The baby ………………………………. ( sleep).
22. My father often ………………………………… ( watch) TV after dinner.

PART IV: Reading
Exercise 1: Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following passage, by cycling the corresponding letter A, B, C or D. 
Like other families in Vietnam, my family has some rules. Firsttly, we have to (23) ………… the household chores. For example, my mother usually goes shopping and cooks while my father (24) ……………. the laundry. My sister and I have to (25) ……….. the floor and wash the dishes. Another fixed rule is that we always have dinner together. Also, whenever my sister and I (26) ……………..out with our friends, we are not allowed to come home later than 10 p.m.
23. A. take            B. make             C. find                 D. share
24. A. does            B. did                C. washing           D. wash
25. A. cleaning       B. clean             C. doing               D. have done
26. A. to go            B. see               C. go                   D. take

Exercise 2: Read the passage below and choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) to each question.
Family types vary in different countries and among different cultures. In Western, industrialized societies, the nuclear family ranks as the most common family type. It consists of a father, a mother and their children. But nuclear families exist alongside many other types of family units. In the single-parent family, for example, a mother or a father heads the family alone. A blended family is formed when a divorced or widowed parent remarries. As divorce rates have risen, the number of single-parent and blended families has increased.
In many parts of the world, parents and children live together with other family members under the same roof. These complex families usually contain several generations of family members, including grandparents, parents and children. They may also include brothers or sisters and their families, uncles, aunts and cousins. Even when relatives do not live together, they still consider themselves members of the same extended family includes grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins.
27. The nuclear family ranks as the most common family type ______.
A. in many industrialized countries                C. that consists of more than two generations
B. in countries with nuclear weapons             D. that leads to the divorce of parents.
28. In the single-parent family, ________.
A. there are often no children
B. only one parent lives with his or her child or children
C. the number of blended children has increased
D. children live alone
29. Grandparents, parents and children are mentioned as _____.
A. the three typical generations of an extended family
B. three branches of a family tree
C. the closest and happiest relatives
D. a complex combination
30. The second paragraph is about ________.
A. American culture
B. relatives and family members
C. the relationship between family members
D. the extended family

Exercise 1: Choose one word or phrase that needs correcting to make the sentence correct.
31. My father decided stay at home and watch TV last night.
32. The poor students are always helping by the teacher.

Exercise 2: Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it has the same meaning as the original sentence.
33. My father buys a new car
→ The new car ……….…………………………………………………………
34. They speak English in this country .
→ English ……………………………………………………………………………………………….


( Mỗi câu đúng được 0.25 điểm. Trừ bài reading exercise 2, writing exercise 2 mỗi câu đúng 0.5 điểm. )
1. T         6. A          11. D              16. D             21. is sleeping             26. C           31. B
2. F         7. B          12. A              17. B              22. washes                 27. A            32. C
3. F         8. B          13. C              18. A              23. D                         28. B
4. T         9. B          14. A              19. C              24. A                         29. A
5. C         10. C        15. B              20. D              25. B                         30. D

33- The new car is bought by my father.
34- English is spoken in this country.



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